Words to be a beacon in the black of night

Posts tagged ‘Luke 16:13’

It Is Not Too Late To Run Home

My thoughts on the Oklahoma tragedy. 
Some ask, ” Why, God?”, while others cannot react to the pain, the heartache, or the sorrow. 
There is no doubt how this happened. God showed His Power. No one can get the fake “fifteen minutes of fame”, e.i., the paid actors/actresses from the December school shooting. There will not be any conspiracy theories in this, as there are circulating for some previous tragic events. No prison cell needs to be opened for a felon for none committed a crime. 
We are a nation that has turned its back on God. How can we expect God’s blessings upon our nation when we nearly have removed Him from our vernacular, and society? God is a jealous God. He allows us free will, but He will not share with our idolatry. We have spiritual freedom, but, instead, treat God as an embarrassment. 
As children of God, we must put Him first in all we do. Our flesh must heed to His Will. Morals, then, will return to Biblical standards. 
Exodus 20:3-17, 34:12-15
Deuteronomy 4:23-24
Nahum 1:1-15
Matthew 6:24 ( Luke 16:13 )
Matthew 24:4-8 ( Luke 21:8-11 )
Luke 15:11-32
Revelation 3:15-16

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